Archives by Month: April 2024

intra-articular injectionsAn intra-articular injection is a treatment that provides localized, targeted relief to patients with joint pain. These injections are the preferred method of treatment for certain patients because they are fast-acting, offer reduced side effects, and, of course, provide targeted pain relief.

Learn about the background of intra-articular injections, the means of treatment, and what it’s like to work with Oakwood Labs to develop them for your operations.

The History of Intra-Articular Injections

Intra-articular injections were the product of a few different methods of pre-existing treatments and have evolved alongside technology and discoveries within the medical space to become what they are today. Part of the origin for intra-articular injections derived from joint aspiration, where healthcare professionals would remove fluid from the joint space and assess the fluid for any inflammatory conditions or infections.

Another milestone that helped in the development of intra-articular injections was the introduction of corticosteroids in injections. These substances have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and were found to be effective in the treatment of joint inflammation. Therefore, it made sense to test them in intra-articular injections, which proved to be a success.

Additionally, advancements in imaging techniques like ultrasounds and fluoroscopy helped increase the accuracy and precision of intra-articular injections, as these tools can help guide the needle during injection.

As ongoing research and innovation occurred, more discoveries about intra-articular injections were made. These advancements continued to encourage the production of the best treatments possible, and clinical guidelines and standardizations ensured proper administration, patient safety, and optimal outcomes.

Today, intra-articular injections are used widely in rheumatology, orthopedics, and sports medicine to provide relief to patients. Typically, these patients have osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, tendinitis, bursitis, joint effusion, or post-operative swelling.

Medications Utilized in Intra-Articular Injections

Depending on their needs and previous medical history, candidates for intra-articular injections are typically treated with the following:

  • Corticosteroids – As mentioned above, corticosteroids like cortisone can be extremely therapeutic for patients who have joint pain. Corticosteroids are very powerful anti-inflammatory medications that alleviate joint pain by reducing swelling and inflammation.
  • Hyaluronic acid – Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally found in joint fluid and can be injected to provide lubrication and cushioning in joints. It is often used to treat conditions like osteoarthritis.
  • Platelet-rich plasma – PRP is used to promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation in patients. It is derived from the patient’s blood and is rich in both platelets and growth factors.

Let Our Team Help

If you are looking for a partner who can assist with manufacturing intra-articular injections, Oakwood Labs is ready to step in. We use a patented technology called ChronijectTM to help you treat patients through parenteral drug administration, the umbrella term that refers to delivering medications and other therapeutic benefits through routes other than the digestive tract. Intra-articular delivery is one of the ways to do this.

The Oakwood Labs team operates in an FDA-approved, aseptic facility and is committed to adhering to Good Manufacturing Practices to ensure product safety and quality. From material sourcing and formulation to sterilization, filling, packing, and beyond, the Oakwood Labs team is there with you every step of the way in the manufacturing process. We have been manufacturing pharmaceutical treatments since 1997, and look forward to continuing to innovate into the future.

Contact Oakwood Labs for Intra-Articular Injection Manufacturing

If you are ready to provide therapeutic relief to patients with joint pain through intra-articular injection manufacturing, be sure to contact us today.

We look forward to working with you on your next project.

Animal pharmaceuticals are treatments that are designed to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease in animals to promote overall well-being. This goal applies to a variety of animals, including livestock, poultry, and even wildlife.

The world of animal health pharmaceutical development has also played a significant role in the fast-growing and evolving world of pet pharmaceuticals. Read on to learn about all of these aspects and how Oakwood Labs can partner with your facility for effective pharmaceutical development.

Our Process for Animal Health Drug Development

animal health pharmaceuticals

The demand for animal health pharmaceuticals is rising due to population growth, urbanization, changes in dietary habits, increased awareness of animal welfare, and more. To keep up with this demand, the industry continues to shift via research, new technology, and regulations that address the evolving needs of animals.

Discover the advantages of animal health pharmaceutical development:

  • Improved animal health and welfare – Veterinary pharmaceuticals are a way to provide effective treatments for infections and chronic conditions. Just like humans, pets and livestock need treatments when they fall ill or have an ongoing condition, and these treatments make symptoms much more tolerable for the animal and its owner.
  • Disease prevention and control – Injectables and other preventative medicines help control the spread of infectious diseases among animals, which reduces the risk of outbreak and transmission to other animals and even humans in some cases.
  • Companion animal care – Pharmaceuticals for pets address varied health concerns, including pain management, behavioral issues, and chronic diseases. Having medicines that treat these problems gives owners a way to provide optimal care for their pet, fostering stronger bonds.
  • Food safety and security – Pharmaceuticals are critical for maintaining the health of livestock and poultry, which leads to safer and higher-quality animal-derived food products. This results in a better food supply chain by reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses.

FAQs About Animal Health Pharmaceutical Development

To help you get a better understanding of animal health pharmaceutical development, we listed some FAQs that might clear up some confusion on the subject.

What is the general process for animal health drug development?

Animal health pharmaceutical development follows a similar process to that of drug manufacturing for humans. The stages include research and discovery, preclinical testing, regulatory approval, clinical trials, manufacturing, quality control, and post-market surveillance. The FDA oversees the approval and safety of animal health pharmaceuticals, ensuring that they meet the standards for efficacy.

What are some recent developments in animal health pharmaceuticals?

Discoveries in the area of animal health pharmaceutical development are being made constantly. Some of the more notable ones made recently include the development of novel drug technologies, the discovery of new treatment modalities, and the use of genomics and biotechnology to develop customized medicine for animals.

How do long-acting injectables benefit animal health drug development?

Long-acting injectables offer sustained therapeutic effects through a single injection, which is convenient for both animals and their caregivers. This method of administration minimizes stress for animals and improves treatment adherence, which leads to better outcomes for a variety of health conditions.

Work with Oakwood Labs for Animal Health Drug Development

At Oakwood Labs, we have a full-service cGMP manufacturing facility that hosts a range of contract manufacturing services. We produce commercial products for use by both humans and animals, and our batch sizes range from 1,000 to 20,000 vials per batch. In our GMP manufacturing facility, we are able to accomplish the following:

  • In-house QC microbiology and QC chemistry
  • Raw material dispensing and weighing
  • Non-aseptic formulation
  • Equipment preparation and staging
  • Compact and portable equipment train
  • Aseptic formulation
  • Aseptic filling
  • Aseptic lyophilization
  • Vial capping
  • Inspecting, labeling, and packaging
  • Shipping and receiving

In addition to these capabilities, we also bring more than 20 years of experience to your project. We would love to be your partner in animal health drug development.

Contact Us Today About Animal Health Pharmaceutical Drug Development

When you are ready to get started with animal health pharmaceutical drug development, we are ready to assist.

Be sure to contact us today with any questions you might have.